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The key for secure digital communication with authorities

Data protection and data security are central to a secure digital transformation. Studies show that the protection of personal data plays a decisive role for the population when it comes to trust in e-government services. How are the cantons faring when it comes to this and how can they build trust and promote innovative solutions at the same time? New research provides insight here.

The meaning of data protection in digital management

The “National eGovernment Study 2022“ makes clear that data protection is one of the most important concerns for the Swiss population when it comes to digital management services. The study also shows that the protection of personal data plays a decisive role in the acceptance of digital government services. The cantons are implementing various measures to this end. Cantons such as Basel-Stadt and Vaud have already taken initial steps to make data-driven platforms more secure. How are the cantons faring overall in these matters? In 2024, the analysts at Vatter studied the digital transformation in the cantons on behalf of Swiss Post and provided new insights.



Datenschutz und Datensicherheit in den Kantonen EN

Note: The numbers in brackets reflect the position in the overall ranking.



Data usage policies and SSL certification widespread

The study specifically analyzed whether online forms were SSL-certified (i.e. whether communication between server and client was secure), whether a cantonal data usage policy was in place and the extent to which encrypted e-mail communication was possible. Encryption is a must for the exchange of particularly sensitive data, such as health data. Each of the cantons achieved their highest marks in the encryption of their forms: SSL certification is standard for all cantons. All cantons, except Appenzell-Innerrhoden, also have a data usage policy.



Encrypted communication in the early stages

There is a need for action with regard to encrypted e-mail communication. As of the summer of 2024, this was only available in seven cantons. There are, however, solutions for encrypted communication between authorities and residents available on the market. The study also found that it is not technical challenges that stand in the way of faster digitization, but rather organizational, cultural and legal circumstances that present hurdles. Digitization is understood as a comprehensive change process that is fundamentally altering the world of work. Key people within administration who initiate digitization projects and lead them to success are also a central factor.



Secure digital communication: The Canton of Bern relies on ePost

But there are also pioneers in this area. The Canton of Bern, for example, provides its residents with a digital letterbox via BE-Login, which is backed by the ePost communication platform. People who want to access cantonal correspondence on their smartphones can still do so via the ePost App. Both options meet Swiss Post’s highest IT and data security standards. Thanks to encryption, communication always remains a private matter.



Switch to encrypted communication now


Swiss Post’s ePost enables the secure and digital sending, receiving and archiving of documents in a manner that is flexible and reliable. Public authorities can deliver business correspondence directly to their customers’ preferred channel: digitally in the ePost app, as electronic invoicing, by e-mail or SMS. Physical dispatch by letter post is also possible.


ePost uses multi-level encryption and stores all data exclusively at certified Swiss data centers. Only recipients can read their documents – not even ePost employees have access. Strict access controls, data economy and ISO 27001 certification guarantee the highest security standards.


ePost communication platform

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