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E-government @ Municipality of Zernez Seeing digitization not just as a vision, but as a clear mission

The advantages and challenges for the Graubünden municipality of Zernez on its path to digital transformation.

The municipality of Zernez in the canton of Graubünden has been a customer of our e-government specialist Dialog for many years. The goal was always clear: the municipality wanted to prepare for the digital future with innovative software and secure IT solutions. In this case study, you will learn more about the challenges faced by the municipal administration on its path towards becoming a digitized municipality and the resulting long-term benefits.


Initial situation and challenge


Zernez has an efficient, customer-friendly and service-oriented administration, and does its utmost to maintain high standards in this area. It is a small municipality, but one that has always acted progressively and that is interested in advancing digitization. The municipality sees this not just as a vision, but as a clear mission from politicians and from the Executive Board. It often opts to meet growing challenges not with additional human resources but by improving efficiency.

« We see digitization not just as a vision, but as a clear mission. »

Felix Riet, IT Officer, Municipality of Zernez, and Corsin Scandella, Municipal Clerk and Head of Administration, Municipality of Zernez

Technological changes also mean new challenges and changes for the population and for employees. Challenges can arise when new digital solutions are implemented, and the benefits are apparent to different degrees in people’s everyday work. The Graubünden municipality therefore attaches great importance to a close communication with its staff and offers internal support as a driver of this gentle transformation.

The solution


Those responsible in the administration of the Graubünden municipality want to keep the processes as simple as possible. This is why they opted for the software and IT solution from the e-government specialist Dialog. In the meantime, the municipal administration has often taken on the role of pioneer, and invested time and effort in various digitization projects. These range from the implementation of electronic business administration as part of its merger, to the specialist applications for residents.

« Dialog G6 is backed by a great deal of expertise and a high-level technical concept. »

Felix Riet, IT Officer, Municipality of Zernez, and Corsin Scandella, Municipal Clerk and Head of Administration, Municipality of Zernez

Features and benefits


Today, the municipality operates digitally to a large extent, but not exclusively. Basically, everything that passes through different departments (e.g. public authority solution) is digitized. Another welcome milestone will be to receive and process the majority of invoices digitally in future. 

« In the future, we would like to save a lot of paper in the area of finance. »

Felix Riet, IT Officer, Municipality of Zernez, and Corsin Scandella, Municipal Clerk and Head of Administration, Municipality of Zernez

Another big plus is the regular software updates. For example, the municipality no longer has to wait a whole year for innovations. This means an enormous improvement in efficiency in everyday work.

« Changing the software solution is a big project, which many people shy away from, even though they are not satisfied with the solution they are currently using. »

Felix Riet, IT Officer, Municipality of Zernez, and Corsin Scandella, Municipal Clerk and Head of Administration, Municipality of Zernez


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