Making office work easier KLARA business software
Administrative tasks, such as bookkeeping or scheduling, are clearly important. But particularly in smaller companies, these tasks have to be done “on the side”, i.e. after work or at the weekend, due to a lack of dedicated staff. This is neither fun nor sensible, because it inevitably leads to mistakes or inconsistencies.
That’s what KLARA –Swiss Post’s business software – is for. It enables users to complete office tasks quickly, easily and without errors! KLARA takes on administrative work, creating more time for the actual business. Customizable, quick to deploy, easy to scale up. The many different modules cover a wide range of tasks, including smart checkout system, payroll accounting or online presence. They can be combined in any particular configuration and work together perfectly. All the modules share a high degree of automation and the intuitive KLARA user interface.
Advantages for you when using KLARA
Digital. Cost-effective. Simple. KLARA at your company

Only pay for what you use The pricing model
In addition to custom combinations of individual modules, the three packages Business Starter, Business Basic and Business Plus are pre-configured with the key basic functions for digital office management.
You can also test KLARA for 30 days with no obligation to purchase!
Accounting? CRM? Project Management? Much more! How and where KLARA can help
Checkout and POS: It’s easy to sell better. KLARA provides smart and simple checkout software – and the right checkout for your shop.
Online presence: Getting started digitally has never been easier. From Google search to online shops, KLARA helps you to succeed online.
Team organization: Payroll accounting, project management, time recording – KLARA digitalizes and automates your personnel-related processes.
Which KLARA is right for you?

Buchhaltung? CRM? Projektmanagement? Viel mehr! Wie und wo KLARA hilft
Vereinfachte Büroadministration: Fehlerfreie Buchhaltung, Auftrags- und Budgetplanung, CRM – KLARA hat die Tools für den wichtigen «Papierkram».
Kasse und POS: Ganz einfach besser verkaufen. KLARA bietet Ihnen smarte und einfache Kassensoftware – und die passende Kasse für Ihr Ladengeschäft.
Online-Präsenz: Digital durchstarten war nie einfacher. Von der Google-Suche bis zum Onlineshop unterstützt KLARA Ihren Erfolg im Web.
Team-Organisation: Lohnbuchhaltung, Projektmanagement, Zeiterfassung – KLARA digitalisiert und automatisiert die Abläufe rund um Ihre Mitarbeitenden.
Und welches KLARA ist für Sie dabei?

Just get started You can start using KLARA very quickly
Enter data: After accepting the GTCs, you can easily select your company with its unique company ID no. or enter all data manually.
Select and use widgets: In the KLARA Widget Store you can then easily select the modules or packages you want to use or test.
Are you interested in KLARA?
We’d be happy to send you more information about the options, applications and customer experiences via e-mail.
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Post CH Digital Services Ltd
Digital Business
Wankdorfallee 4
3030 Berne
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