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Cuore – the Swiss health platform For better coordination of care

Digital, networked – and above all patient-oriented: “Cuore – the Swiss healthcare platform” is the next step on the road to the healthcare of the future. Developed by Swiss Post, made for service providers and patients alike: with various services for networking and easy communication of treatment-relevant data. As safe as it is uncomplicated – for better, simpler care coordination with added value for everyone.

Cuore – the solution at a glance The heart of digital networking in healthcare

Service providers such as medical practices, hospitals or rehabilitation facilities are able to save resources – and can better concentrate on patient care.

Cuore as solution

  • What is Cuore?
    Cuore is a neutral platform for networking and data transfer. Services tailored to your needs make daily work and collaboration easier than ever – but remain secure as usual. 


  • Who is Cuore for? 
    Service providers benefit from an ever-growing range of digital services, including from other solution providers. Specialized patient services enable secure interaction between health professionals and their patients.


  • How does Cuore work with the electronic patient record (EPR)? 
    Using the “EPR gateway”, treatment-relevant documents can be saved automatically and validated multiple times in the patient’s EPR and are easily available to the patient.

The advantages of Cuore

A broad range of services

A broad range of services

Users can obtain the services that suit them via Cuore – and other providers can make their services available on the platform. The service will gradually be expanded.
Focus on networking

Focus on networking

Thanks to the neutral health platform, service providers can exchange information with each other and also work better together across facilities.
Core services

Core services

Cuore uses central directory, authorization and standardized terminology services.

End-to-end processes

End-to-end processes

In the future, it will be possible to map and track the entire patient journey – from the first doctor’s consultation via telemedicine to continuous monitoring of the patient by means of sensors, to traceable medication at the pharmacy.
Improved efficiency

Improved efficiency

Thanks to automation, manual intervention and administrative tasks are no longer necessary, leaving more time for patients.


Cuore relies on interoperability – in other words, the ability of different systems to collaborate seamlessly.

« Swiss Post has been a competent and trustworthy partner for us for years. Thanks to their Virtual Visit service, we can now carry out routine assessments virtually, which means patients only need to come to us for actual treatment. »

Michele Marazza, Head of Service Analytics, Research & Communication, EOC

Here are the services behind Cuore Patient-oriented, digital and connected

Cuore – Core Services | Die Post

Core Services The technical basis

One Core Service is the Patient Master Data Management Service, where patient data from the various connected facilities on the platform is collated in a single file (the patient master).

Another example is the Identity and Access Management Service, where users are identified in a secure manner and then only have access to data for which they have access rights.

We can also mention the Healthcare Provider Data Management Service, where all healthcare service providers are recorded in a central directory that contains all the relevant information on the service providers.

More detailed information on all Core Services can be found on our Cuore microsite.

E-collaboration services Collaboration made easy

The E-collaboration services support healthcare professionals along the treatment path, ease the workload in administrative processes, and simplify the exchanging of technical information.

An example here is E-report transfer. Connected stakeholders can exchange treatment data with each other in a secure, system-compatible way. A copy can be sent to the patient via the official electronic patient record (EPR).

More detailed information on all E-collaboration services can be found on our Cuore microsite.
Cuore – E-collaboration services | Swiss Post
Cuore – E-collaboration services | Swiss Post

E-collaboration services Collaboration made easy

The E-collaboration services support healthcare professionals along the treatment path, ease the workload in administrative processes, and simplify the exchanging of technical information.

An example here is E-report transfer. Connected stakeholders can exchange treatment data with each other in a secure, system-compatible way. A copy can be sent to the patient via the official electronic patient record (EPR).

More detailed information on all E-collaboration services can be found on our Cuore microsite.
Cuore – E-Patientenservices | Die Post

E-patient services For patient welfare

E-patient services put the patients in the center and enable the direct exchange of information between them and health professionals. Active participation from the patients is a prerequisite.

An example of such a service is Virtual Visit, a telemedicine service. To save travel time and to carry out a triage, the consultation can also be conducted virtually on a tablet, smartphone or computer. The patient is received in a virtual waiting room, and is able to get the consultation notes straight afterwards in encrypted form.

You will find more detailed information on all E-patient services on our Cuore microsite.

Integration Services Step by step to a health ecosystem

Integration services form the interface for systems and services with Cuore. They ensure that Cuore can interact and work together efficiently with all health ecosystem stakeholders. 

An example here is the EPR gateway. Documents that are exchanged between health professionals can automatically be made available in the patient’s EPR. The gateway validates the documents and makes sure they are EPR-compatible.

You will find more detailed information on all Integration Services on our Cuore microsite.
Cuore – Integration Services | Swiss Post
Cuore – Integration Services | Swiss Post

Integration Services Step by step to a health ecosystem

Integration services form the interface for systems and services with Cuore. They ensure that Cuore can interact and work together efficiently with all health ecosystem stakeholders. 

An example here is the EPR gateway. Documents that are exchanged between health professionals can automatically be made available in the patient’s EPR. The gateway validates the documents and makes sure they are EPR-compatible.

You will find more detailed information on all Integration Services on our Cuore microsite.

Find out more now! All Cuore Services at a glance

Strategic partnership with Siemens Healthineers

When it comes to the Cuore platform, Swiss Post works closely with the company Siemens Healthineers, and has already launched the platform for the electronic payment record (EPR) with them.

The Digital Health Services from Siemens Healthineers are market-proven, for example in Austria, Germany and other countries. The implementation for customers, the operations, managing customer relationships as well as delivering customer support are Swiss Post’s responsibility.

Siemens Healthineers
« Digital services in the healthcare sector are just as attractive for professionals and service providers as they are for patients. By using Cuore as a hub, service providers can focus more on their core activities and, in turn, on treatment. »
Nicole Burth

Nicole Burth, Member of Executive Management at Swiss Post and Head of Communication Services

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