SwissSign Your solutions for seamless data security
Nowadays, identification procedures for practically all digital services are essential, from simply confirming somebody’s name through to ID verification requests. For facilities in the healthcare sector, this is especially important where digital services are concerned. When it comes to correctly concluding a contract, exchanging sensitive health information and carrying out virtual treatments, the patient’s identity has to be confirmed. The same is also true for electronic signatures.
SwissSign, which specializes in data security and is a federally acknowledged Trust Service Provider, offers a range of services with a single aim: data protection at the highest possible standards. SwissSign offers solutions and services for your seamless IT infrastructure, whether it’s identification, electronic signatures or automated certificate management. When it comes to IT security, trust Swiss quality.
Your benefits with SwissSign’s solutions
Maximum data security –
swiss made
Whether it’s patient identification, electronic signatures or automated certificate management – SwissSign guards your data according to the highest security standards. All data is held in Switzerland and in accordance with the Federal Act on Data Protection and the General Data Protection Regulation, which is of particular importance for sensitive health information.
More efficient processes
« The SwissID login solution enables our customers to access our online services easily and securely. But SwissID can do even more for us. For example, verified identity allows contracts to be signed electronically and legally around the clock and provides access to electronic patient records. In a nutshell, SwissID enables us to expand our range of services. »
Tecla Solari, Head of Trusted Interaction Services, Swiss Post
Simple, user-friendly, transparent Your options with SwissSign

SwissID – verified identities for the healthcare sector Your secure login solution
Electronic signatures with SwissSign Sign documents securely and legally
Are you still signing documents on paper, even though many processes have already been digitized in your healthcare facility? SwissSign offers a completely digital option with its electronic signature solution – secure, legal and user-friendly. Integrate the signature solution from our data security specialist SwissSign seamlessly into your existing processes and make central media disruptions a thing of the past. Increase your efficiency and patient and staff satisfaction through more optimized, disruption-free processes.

Electronic signatures with SwissSign Sign documents securely and legally
Are you still signing documents on paper, even though many processes have already been digitized in your healthcare facility? SwissSign offers a completely digital option with its electronic signature solution – secure, legal and user-friendly. Integrate the signature solution from our data security specialist SwissSign seamlessly into your existing processes and make central media disruptions a thing of the past. Increase your efficiency and patient and staff satisfaction through more optimized, disruption-free processes.

Professional certificate management with SwissSign More efficiency through automated certificate management
The ever-increasing digitization of the healthcare sector means more and more data connections, increasing the risk of cyberattacks as well as management costs for protecting IT infrastructure. It’s time to professionalize and automate the crucial area of certificate management.
The Managed Public Key Infrastructure (MPKI) from our data security specialist SwissSign protects your health applications with Swiss SSL and S/MIME certificates based on the strictest security standards. Privacy and data protection are guaranteed – essential for maintaining trust in medical institutions.
SwissSign for every purpose Solutions and more information
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Post CH Digital Services Ltd
Digital Health
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3030 Bern
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