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More treatment, less bureaucracy The benefits of modern digitization solutions

A focus on patients Networking, interaction and communication

Healthcare provision works best when all stakeholders work together seamlessly, from physician through to rehab facility. A rapid, reliable and transparent flow of information plays a key role in this process – and can even save lives. 

Digital solutions and services are already enabling all of this. Especially when they’re perfectly tailored to the specific requirements of the healthcare sector. At the same time, they create the foundation for future developments such as AI or robotic systems, which enable better diagnosis, treatment and care – thus reducing workloads. 


The time is ripe for Digital Health


3 out of 4

Swiss people think the electronic patient record is a good or very good thing.

Source: eHealth Barometer 2022, gfs.bern



of Swiss physicians consider digital options to be important in healthcare provision.

Source: Digital Trends Survey 2022, FMH 



of Swiss hospital physicians think digitization offers great potential for improving their working environment.

Source: eHealth Barometer 2022

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Data as an enhancement to treatment success Networking in healthcare provision

Secure digital channels can improve the quality of treatment in healthcare practices and hospitals. They achieve this by displaying all important reports and results immediately and making it easy to exchange relevant imaging data between specialists to obtain second opinions. Patients feel more securely supported when they can obtain a carefully considered second opinion with ease. 

The electronic patient record A Swiss success story

Mit der Einführung des elektronischen Patientendossiers (EPD) ist ein wichtiger Schritt hin zu mehr Transparenz, Effizienz und Zusammenarbeit in der Versorgung gelungen. Der Motor dahinter ist die Post E-Health Plattform: eine zertifizierbare Infrastruktur auf Basis des gesetzlich geforderten IHE-Standards (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise).

e_health patient services
e_health patient services

The electronic patient record A Swiss success story

Mit der Einführung des elektronischen Patientendossiers (EPD) ist ein wichtiger Schritt hin zu mehr Transparenz, Effizienz und Zusammenarbeit in der Versorgung gelungen. Der Motor dahinter ist die Post E-Health Plattform: eine zertifizierbare Infrastruktur auf Basis des gesetzlich geforderten IHE-Standards (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise).


Send secure and recognized e-mails Exchange sensitive data electronically with ease: using IncaMail

Send confidential documents such as results to healthcare professionals or patients in an encrypted, verifiable format – with ease from your usual e-mail client or your business software.

Cuore – the Swiss health platform

For better coordination of care: Cuore enables all healthcare stakeholders to network easily and transfer data securely.


Cuore – the Swiss health platform

For better coordination of care: Cuore enables all healthcare stakeholders to network easily and transfer data securely.

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    Post CH Digital Services Ltd
    Digital Health
    Wankdorfallee 4
    3030 Bern

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