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Convenient and secure digital storage of vaccination certificates

National Flu Vaccination Day isn’t the only time many of us might wonder: where’s my vaccination record? If you use the digital vaccination module in the electronic patient record, you can save yourself searching for it. Vaccination certificates are stored securely in the EPR. The EPR provider Post Sanela Health AG is the first reference community to provide this option in the electronic patient record.


Muslim female doctor in hospital giving an injection to a little boy




Swiss Post is a certified infrastructure provider for the electronic patient record (EPR). Its platform meets the stringent legal requirements of the Confederation. EPR providers, known as reference communities, decide on what enhanced functionalities they offer in their EPR. In May 2024, Post Sanela Health AG was the first reference community to integrate the vaccination module into their patient record. Stored in the EPR securely and securely.


Store vaccination certificates digitally in one place

Private individuals can open a Post Sanela Health AG patient record fully digitally – and, in many cantons free of charge. This gives them access to the electronic vaccination module. This enables health professionals to enter vaccination records digitally and send them to the vaccinated person in their EPR. This practice is, however, still uncommon in pharmacies and with doctors. To store all vaccinations digitally and securely in one place, EPR users can enter vaccinations manually. This ensures all data on the vaccination, administration date and expiry date are stored digitally and securely in one place.


Manage your children’s vaccinations in the EPR

Many vaccinations are given during childhood. Parents today receive a health booklet for each child, and the booklet also contains a vaccination record. The EPR can also be used to simplify things here: parents can open an EPR for their children and link it to a dossier from a parent. This means that both your own vaccinations and those of your whole family are always at hand. The same functionality is also possible for individuals with a guardian or support role.


Swiss Post is looking to work with the industry to expand digital vaccination certification.

Vaccinations can be entered in the EPR as structured data. This allows additional functionalities to be developed, such as a reminder function that notifies the user about upcoming booster jabs. Today, however, there are still organizational and technical barriers to using and issuing vaccination certificates fully digitally. Swiss Post and the Sanela reference community are working with representatives of the healthcare sector to facilitate continuous digitization. The first step has already been made by integrating the vaccination module into the EPR.


Create online your electronic patient record (EPR)



Canton of Bern: vaccinations from VacMe now available on the EPR on request

During the coronavirus pandemic, the Canton of Bern launched the VacMe vaccination platform, where citizens were able to store COVID vaccination certificates. The canton has now entered into a partnership with Post Sanela Health Ltd to connect VacMe to the EPR. Citizens can migrate their vaccination data from VacMe to a Sanela EPR if they wish.




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