Monitor, detect. Cybersecurity in the healthcare sector Hacknowledge monitoring services
Cyberattacks may seem like something from a science-fiction novel, but they pose a real and growing threat. Every week in Switzerland, companies of all types and sizes experience over 700 such attacks. These can range from disrupting daily business practices and stealing personal data through to demanding money via ransomware.
Preventing cyberattacks is difficult, but damage can be minimized if you react quickly. With Hacknowledge, the monitoring service from our cybersecurity experts, you can be sure that any threats to your IT infrastructure will be promptly identified and communicated to you. This helps you protect sensitive health data and other information.
The benefits for you with Hacknowledge
Using advanced VISION Cyber Management™ technology, our specialists guard your infrastructure day and night, seven days a week.
Swiss made, Swiss based
Monitor. Detect. Respond. Hacknowledge in your healthcare facility
Detect and avert targeted threats early How Hacknowledge can protect your facility
Benefit from constant surveillance of your IT infrastructure, made possible through cutting-edge technology and trained specialists. All this without large investments and long-term commitments. To keep your focus on what’s important, specialists filter your log data and eliminate false positives based on jointly determined use cases. If the Hacknowledge team sounds the alarm, you know it’s for a good reason! This will give you the chance to react as quickly as possible. Furthermore, Hacknowledge is always there to help you decide what to do in a critical situation if you’re unsure.

Gefahren erkennen und abwenden Wo Hacknowledge hilft
Sie erhalten eine lückenlose Sicherheitsüberwachung Ihrer IT-Infrastruktur mit Hi-End-Technologie und ausgewiesenen Fachleuten. Was Sie nicht brauchen: hohe Investitionskosten oder langfristig bindende Neueinstellungen. Um sich auf die entscheidenden Vorfälle fokussieren zu können, filtern wir die Logs nach falsch-positiven Events und auf Basis gemeinsam definierter Use Cases. Wenn wir Alarm schlagen, dann ist es wichtig! Wir reagieren sofort und versetzen Sie in die Lage, angemessen zu reagieren. Gleichzeitig beraten wir Sie auch gerne darüber, was im Ernstfall zu tun ist.
How the technology works Hacknowledge’s SOC and SIEM
Using its managed SOC (Security Operations Center) and SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) systems, Hacknowledge enables efficient security monitoring within your current IT infrastructure. The system is quick and easy to install and is adaptable and scalable according to your wishes. Your data remains entirely within Switzerland – guaranteed. This system offers excellent protection and compliance particularly in the healthcare sector, where sensitive data is handled every day.
Are you interested in Hacknowledge?
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Post CH Digital Services Ltd
Digital Health
Wankdorfallee 4
3030 Bern
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