Smart case management for the social sector Case management, documentation and coordination
In the social sector, many individual cases often have to be processed in the most structured and efficient way possible. Is this also the case in your organization? Then you may want to use smart digital support for case management, documentation and coordination.
Whether you work in occupational health management, labour integration or integration assistance, the key word is case management. The aim is to ensure that all clients receive the best possible care through targeted interventions and the closest possible cooperation between all stakeholders.
This is made possible using the modular solutions from Diartis Solutions – CASEnet, TEILHABEnet and ARInet:
- CASEnet is ideal for supporting clients in a wide range of sectors, from social services to healthcare organizations. Your comprehensive solution for classic case management.
- TEILHABEnet was specially developed for social participation. The software supports you in coordinating and managing measures for integration and participation in society.
- ARInet focuses on professional integration and helps you to provide clients with the best possible support as they return to the labour market.
Get advice now and take your case management to a new level.
Your advantages
Increased efficiency
Transparent processes
All the relevant information is available centrally, which makes collaboration and decision-making much easier.
Thanks to their modular design, the solutions from Diartis AG can be tailored to the needs of your organization.
Secure data protection
Modern encryption technologies and strict access control protect your sensitive data.
Ihre Vorteile mit Academy
Wir verstehen Ihre Herausforderungen und haben die Diartis Academy daher gezielt auf die Anforderungen im sozialen Sektor ausgerichtet. Die praxisnahen Kurse sind auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmt. Zu den Schwerpunkten zählen grundlegende Ausbildungen in der gesetzlichen Sozialarbeit sowie Schulungen für die in Ihrem Umfeld genutzten Softwarelösungen.
Flexibel und skalierbar
Egal ob Ihre Mitarbeitenden im Homeoffice oder im Büro lernen, unsere Lösungen sind flexibel und passen sich Ihren Erfordernissen an. Zudem lassen sich die Schulungsangebote leicht an die Grösse Ihrer Organisation skalieren.
Unsere Kursangebote sind so aufbereitet, dass sie Freude am Lernen wecken.
Die Schulungen der Diartis Academy werden von erfahrenen Fachleuten erstellt und bieten fundiertes Wissen, das sofort praktisch umgesetzt werden kann.
Optimierte Ressourcennutzung
Die E-Learning-Angebote der Diartis Academy senken Schulungs- und Reisekosten. Gleichzeitig minimieren sie Ausfallzeiten im Arbeitsalltag.
Using case management from Diartis Solutions
The implementation of CASEnet, TEILHABEnet and ARInet is very simple. Our solutions also integrate seamlessly into your existing IT infrastructure. Thanks to modern cloud technology, you benefit from high availability and location-independent access, regardless of the device used.
Easy to use: The user-friendly interface is simple to learn and intuitive for daily use.
Efficient automation: Processes are automated from the initial contact to documentation. This ensures consistent processes and noticeable time savings.
Interactive analyses: Real-time dashboards ensure that you always have access to up-to-date evaluations and can continuously optimize your case management processes.
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Post CH Digital Services Ltd
Digital Health
Wankdorfallee 4
3030 Bern
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