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Six good reasons to digitize your HR processes

Written by Die Schweizerische Post AG | Apr 29, 2024 8:16:15 AM

Accessible to all 

Digitization of human resources processes is easily accessible to all administrations, whether at local, cantonal or federal level. “120 local authorities and 110 businesses in various sectors use our HR solutions or delegate this task to us,” explains Christian Kohli, whose company operates mainly in Western Switzerland and is now opening up to the German-speaking market. “The Swiss market is very interested in outsourcing and dematerializing its HR processes. And administrations in particular will find major advantages in this.” 





Gone are the days of cumbersome administrative processes 

Salary management is a key human resources function. Subject to evolving standards and certifications (e.g. Suissedec 5.0), it is demanding and restrictive. “More and more public bodies want to avoid the constraints of having to manage, standardize and process these highly skilled and time-consuming tasks. In the case of very small public bodies, these tasks are performed by someone with different qualifications. When there are 30 to 40 staff or more, a public administration easily needs a full-time person. By delegating HR management to a software solution, you have the time and space to do your core work or other more important tasks.” 


Benefit from a single interface  

“Salaries are the backbone of HR processes. Holidays and absences, timekeeping, HR files, expense accounts, appraisals and targets – everything relates back to them.” For Christian Kohli, the advantage of a digital solution is that it provides a single management portal where all the different information can be centralized in real time. It’s a win-win situation. HR has access to up-to-date information and an overall view. Staff have access to a single platform with all the useful information they need. Time-consuming processes are being challenged. The digital solution makes it easy to manage and interact with all HR administrative processes. 



Christian Kohli, CEO of Groupe T2i



Select services individually 

Groupe T2i offers a modular human resources package called “HR Café”. “Every customer has their own needs. A large administration requires large HR capabilities, whereas a small administration may be more interested in salary management,” explains the CEO. “Customers often start out with an initial module – for most of them, it’s salary management. They quickly realize the benefits and begin to add supplementary modules. Our modular approach can be adapted to suit all types of customers. We help them put in place the right process and show them the right way of dealing with their HR processes.” 


Enjoy more comfort 

“There’s a close link between automation of administrative tasks and the impact on the quality of the HR department’s interaction with staff,” states the expert from Groupe T2i. “Let’s take the example of expense management. Taking a photo of your receipt after a business lunch and sending it straight to the HR management system is much easier and less time-consuming than collecting paper receipts in your drawer and manually transcribing them at the end of the month. Simplifying processes and procedures is one of the main benefits of digitization for the public sector.”  


Data is protected 

HR data is personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act. In some cases, it may even include sensitive data. “Processing of HR data must comply with the law and be safe for both businesses and staff,” explains Christian Kohli. “We first define the security constraints before defining the solutions and architecture. In the modules, we also have a very detailed security system that defines precisely who has access to what.” The data must be hosted in Switzerland on highly secure servers to prevent fraudulent access.